Navigating Your GRC Journey
October 20 - 21, 2014 | The May Fair Hotel, London, United Kingdom

MetricStream GRC Summit Europe 2014: Registration Policies

Before you register for MetricStream GRC Summit Europe 2014, it is important that you understand our summit registration policies.

A fee is charged to individuals who wish to attend MetricStream GRC Summit Europe 2014. MetricStream reserves the right to reject registration applications. Once attendance has been agreed upon, and payment has been processed, the following terms apply:

Conditions for Acceptance

Before a registration application can be accepted, MetricStream will consider the following criteria:

Availability: There must be conference seats available.
Profile Fit: Applicants must be professionals interested in or associated with the GRC industry.
Payment: Prompt payment must be made upon acceptance of the application.

MetricStream's Right to Terminate Registrations

We reserve the right to terminate any registration at any time without explanation by notifying the concerned individual via email and delivering a 100% refund of the summit registration cost.


Registrations are approved for specific individuals, and may not be transferred unless:

We receive full details of the proposed transfer in writing at least eight (8) weeks prior to the start of the conference.
The proposed Transferee fills in the summit registration form provided by MetricStream.
The Transferee is of equivalent or higher seniority to the Transferor.

In those cases where a transfer is granted, the following terms also apply:

The Transferee will receive a standard conference registration.
Any conference related communication will be sent to the Transferee.

MetricStream reserves the right to refuse transfer requests that meet the above terms, without explanation.

Sponsor Attendees at MetricStream GRC Summit Europe 2014

If your organization is sponsoring MetricStream GRC Summit Europe 2014, please follow the process mentioned below to register as an attendee:

An authorized person from the sponsoring organization must submit the details of all attendees from the organization in a registration form provided by MetricStream.
MetricStream must receive full details of all the proposed attendees in writing at least four (4) weeks prior to the start of the conference.
The registrants will receive standard conference passes.
There will not be any administrative fees charged for processing such registrations.

Transfers for GRC Summit Europe 2014 Sponsors

If you are a sponsor of MetricStream GRC Summit Europe 2014 but will be unable to attend the conference, you may send another individual of your choice, keeping in mind the following guidelines:

We must receive the Transferee's registration application at least three (3) weeks prior to the start of the conference.
The Transferee must be of equivalent or higher seniority to the Transferor.

Consent to Interview, Photograph, Record and Publish

By agreeing to the following terms and conditions, the registrant hereby gives MetricStream, Inc. the right to use, reproduce, and permit the publication of all photographs, negatives, films, video and audio recordings, interviews, testimonials, and text taken of or from the registrant, or gathered by the registrant in any form and by any media, for any purpose whatsoever without further compensation, and all of the aforementioned materials shall be solely and completely, in perpetuity, the property of MetricStream, Inc.

The registrant specifically understands that his/her image, words, testimonials, and content thereof may be used as video clips, posted and published on websites or other electronic formats by MetricStream, Inc. for review, viewing, and use by its employees and by members of the general public.

This authorization shall extend to any and all publications of MetricStream, Inc., or any affiliate of MetricStream, Inc., published in print or electronic format, by any media for any purpose, including any and all new editions, reprints, advertisements, publicity, and promotions thereto of said work.